Pre-Loved Uniform

Did You Know?

πŸŽ“ 1.4 Million wearable school uniforms are sent to landfill every year

πŸŽ“ 30% of parents/carers buy uniforms that are too big for their child in order to lengthen wearable life

πŸŽ“ Half of families have uniform items that have never been worn

πŸŽ“ Children wear on average 480 items of uniform during their school days

πŸŽ“ Families spend around Β£6,000 per child on new school uniform

Help Us Work Together To...

πŸŽ“ Reduce the unnecessary waste of sending perfectly good uniforms to landfill

πŸŽ“ Make uniform affordable so its simple and easy to regularly replace uniform as children grow out of it, without causing waste

πŸŽ“ Look after our planet by reducing the number of new school uniforms we buy when there are already good quality uniforms available

πŸ‘• All items are checked to ensure that their are no stains or rips

πŸ‘• All items are usually at least 75% cheaper than buying new

πŸ‘• Check items when you receive them, if you're not happy with them we will exchange them free of charge

Click Here To Visit The Uniform Store